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Assorted Herbal Teas

Regular price $4.99

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A variety pack of the following herbal tea blends:

  • Pomegranate & Raspberry
  • Nightly Calm
  • Orange & Cinnamon Spice
  • Pure Camomile 

Herbs have a long history of documented use tracing back to Ancient Egypt, Ancient China and to the beginning of Ayurveda science in India. Herbal teas can be made from any combination of flowers, leaves, seeds, roots, citrus or berry fruits herbs and spices-which is why the number of unique blends available is virtually limitless. Camomile (or Chamomile), Peppermint, Ginger and Hibiscus are some of the most popular ingredients used today.

A selection of four great-tasting herbal teas to suit your every mood.


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