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Five Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep

Five Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep

There’s no feeling that quite matches the joy of peeling back the covers and jumping into bed after a long day. But beyond being a welcome respite, a good night’s sleep is as vital to our wellbeing as exercising and eating right. Here are five reasons why getting a full night of slumber is so important. 

  1. It helps reduce your stress levels. 

Stress reduction is one of the biggest advantages of getting a good night’s sleep. When you’re well rested, you’re primed to feel relaxed, refreshed and ready to tackle the day. On the other hand, a late night may trigger your body to release stress hormones, leaving you anxious and irritable. Additionally, you might have less energy and more trouble thinking clearly — two things which can certainly exacerbate stress! Fortunately, sleep can balance out your cortisol levels, helping you feel ready for the day. 

  1. It can improve your mood. 

Hitting the hay for a full eight hours can also be a boon to your mindset. That’s because sleep can help with emotional regulation. Therefore, you’re less likely to feel worried or be bothered by small irritations. In fact, there’s a strong possibility you’ll get along better with people after you’ve gotten some good shut-eye since you’re less cranky and can think more clearly. 

  1. It can boost brain function. 

Being well rested is a must if you want to ensure you’re firing on all cylinders. After all, sleep is known to improve cognitive function and concentration. This is because it enables the brain to reorganize and make new connections. Hence, while you’re sleeping, your brain is taking in new information and making new memories. In turn, this allows you to focus better on daily tasks, whether that’s tackling the to do’s or finishing an important assignment at the office.    

  1. It helps bolster your immune system 

Our bodies need a good night’s sleep to repair and recover from the day — immune systems included! More specifically, sleep can help us optimize our immune system function, such as the ability to reduce inflammation and infection though better regulation of cytokines, proteins that are part of your immune-communication network. This may better position us to fight off viruses like colds and flus and prepare our immune systems for speedier recoveries when we’re not feeling well. Not getting enough sleep, on the other hand, can possibly cause a decrease in production of these proteins, which may have a negative effect on your immune system. 

  1. It can help maximize your athletic performance. 

For all you athletes out there — before you go looking for new vitamin supplements or fancy nutrition shakes to help improve your performance, look no further than getting some solid zzzs. A sound night of rest can aid with recovery between stints of exercise and may potentially reduce the risk of illness and injury in athletes. Certain evidence has shown, too, that it’s not just about getting the right amount of sleep, but also about the quality. Improvements in both are said to enhance accuracy and reaction time, in addition to performance. 

Twinings Sleep+ Tea

Of course, understanding the benefits of sleep and establishing a healthy sleep cycle go hand in hand. To ensure you’re well rested, you need a good sleep routine. And that could be as simple as limiting screen time, maintaining a regular bedtime, and enjoying a nightly mug of Twinings Sleep+. This tea not only offers a delicious way to wind down but also contains a micro dose of melatonin to help you fall asleep, so it’s designed to help you relax and ease into slumber.* Plus, the sweet flavor of vanilla blended with warming cinnamon crafts a well-balanced herbal tea that is sure to be the tastiest part of your nightly bedtime routine. 

You can even prepare better for an ideal night of sleep earlier in the day. 

“We tend to think of calming teas as perfect preparation for bedtime, but they can be enjoyed any time of the day to help set your body up for an optimal night of sleep. While you don’t want to take a tea with melatonin in the morning (since it signals your brain that it’s time to sleep) you can start your day with a tea like camomile or passionflower. You might be surprised how calm you are to start your day,” shares Twinings herbalist Bevin Clare. 

Twinings Sleep+ Tea

For some soothing teas without melatonin that can be enjoyed any time of the day, Twinings has lots to choose from, such as Unwinding Passionflower, Nightly Calm, Pure Camomile, and Green Nightly Calm. A good night of sleep is vital to your self-care. And a tasty cup of Twinings Sleep+ can help you drift off into sweet, restful dreams. 

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As with any supplement, if you are pregnant or nursing, consult your healthcare provider before using this product.

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